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The End of the Time in Japan


This has just been such an incredible  experience!! I am very thankful for everything that came out of it. So many memories were made, and amazing times were had for sure. Saying goodbye will be very hard and returning to America will be bittersweet because of the connections I have made. So many good friends and unforgettable memories!

I couldn't have ended up with a better host family. Meg and I were a perfect fit and shared so many common interests and our personalities go together well. My host mother is very kind and an excellent cook, Yuuri is so sweet, my host dad is silly and quirky, and Meg is funny and crazy! Also got to meet the grandparents from both sides of the family, and they are just as wonderful and endearing as all of them. As a result of getting to meet and know everyone in these six weeks that flew by, they are now my lifelong friends and forever like a second family! I will now know what it's like to miss people who are far, far away. It is a sad but happy feeling both at once.

I will never forget all the laughter, the jokes, and the fun adventures!! My favorite part of Japan was definitely all the people and making new connections. It will be wonderful to return home, but also sad because of everyone I must say goodbye to. In some ways it will feel like I've left a part of me in Japan. But it's okay. The journey was one of a kind and every bit was enjoyed! I know I will keep in touch with my family and many of my friends and definitely come back to visit whenever possible. Can't believe it went by so quickly!
These lovely beautiful people = a second family

Thanks everyone! It's been a wonderful journey :)
