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Hiroshima: An Impact on Perspective

Oh wow!

Hiroshima was absolutely amazing. It was quite an impact experience, because it showed me something completely new. Before, I had just known and learned about the war and the atomic bombs, but it was all just distant knowledge, removed from being anything but just old history to me. But visiting Hiroshima, seeing the Memorial Park, the Atomic Bomb Dome, the Peace changed the way I see those events. It gave me more compassion and new understanding of how unimaginably great fear the Japanese people had to have felt. I now have an idea of how terrifying war can be.

It was shocking to learn about the history in more detail, and the whys behind the bombing. August 6, 1945 at 8:15 am the world changed forever. Hiroshima was chosen out of the seventeen cities considered to be hit with an atomic bomb, because it was decided that it would have the greatest impact physically and psychologically, being that it was quite a metropolis of its time, as well as a huge educational center. Obviously the psychological impact was enormous, as weaponry like this was brand new. It instilled a deep fear all throughout Japan, both before and after the fact it was used. Reading the personal stories of people hit hard and visiting that place, I could better understand and even feel some fraction of what that terror had to have been.

 In the end, 140,000 people's deaths were a result of the bombing of Hiroshima. Many didn't even die right away. Many had serious burns or debris buried in wounds, and suffered for days until they passed away, sometimes a month after it all. And many more perished indirectly of the explosion, from radiation sickness, or starvation due to resource shortages.

All of that was like learning the facts I already knew again, more intensely and more detailed. And this time, the knowledge was more meaningful and personal, because I've gotten familiar with this culture and society. The events and past of Hiroshima are difficult but important pieces of history. It really changed my view on war by getting up close and reading personal accounts of war, and seeing artifacts that were from people who were injured on the same ground that we were standing on. I will never forget how powerful this experience was.

Additionally, here are some other photos from the trip, it was quite the road trip with many detours. Thanks for reading! If you get the chance, and love history, I highly recommend paying Hiroshima a visit.

The Atomic Bomb dome, before and after it was destroyed roughly 160m from the blast's epicenter, and the actual memorial
Hiroshima Castle
Peace Memorial in the park with the register of all the A-Bomb victims
Hiroshima Okonomiyaki (Very Delicious)
Standing on a rock high above the city on a mountain in Onomichi. A literally breathtaking hike through stunning vegetation and up many many stairs passing by lots of jinja and historical stone structures along the way
Lastly, on our way there we stopped in Okayama and visited my host dad's parents' farm. The Japanese countryside was beautiful, so many rice fields and bamboo forests.

Thanks again for reading!
