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Hello! It has certainly been awhile since I have updated my blog. I've been crazy busy preparing for the school festival these past couple weeks! The school festival at Higashi High School was supposed to happen from July 5th through July 7th, but sadly a typhoon hit us and it rained extremely hard all 3 of those days! Yesterday, July 8th, was the first sunny day we had! It was honestly crazy!!

So what does a family do when the weather is finally nice? They go to 大阪城 {Osaka Castle} of course! Well, at least my family did! It was honestly so crazy beautiful, it didn't even feel right being there!! I never wanted to leave, honestly. My family also, while there, got see an illusionist perform and it was really incredible to watch. I honestly can't even come up with words to describe the beauty, the history, the literal magic, that I got to witness, so now I'll just share the pictures that I took!
